


Microdermabrasion ... down time & how long does it last?

There is little to no downtime after microdermabrasion. You should be able to resume your daily activities immediately.

You’re advised to keep your skin hydrated and use gentle skin care products. Avoid using topical acne medications for at least one day after treatment.

Microdermabrasion has the ability to transform your skin after just a few treatments, revealing soft, smooth, radiant skin.

Like like with any beauty treatment, you need to continue to care for your skin if you want to maintain fantastic results. A course of microdermabrasion facials will help with a multitude of skin concerns, such as scarring, blocked pores and pigmentation, but these imperfections develop over time, and if you don’t take steps to care for your skin after your treatments end, they will start to develop again.

The good news is, if you do maintain your beautiful new complexion, the results of your treatments could last indefinitely!

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